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What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture?

Traditional Chinese Medicine “TCM” (Acupuncture) was originated in ancient China and has a history of over two thousand years. Chinese Medicine uses the theory of Yin and Yang to explain the mechanism of balancing the functions of the body.


Acupuncture is the study of energy flow called qi which flows through the body and performs multiple functions to maintain health. When we insert the needles, it stimulates points on or under the skin that releases qi, which then travels through channels termed “meridians”. When there is a blockage of qi, called stagnation, we begin to see chronic pain or other imbalances, and my role as an Acupuncturist is to identify, correct and balance it.


What conditions respond well to acupuncture?

There is a vast amount of conditions that respond well to acupuncture. That being said, the most common are: stress and anxiety, depression, insomnia, infertility, headaches or migraines and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.


What happens during a session?

From the start of your appointment until the end, you will be taken care of! We will begin with a complete healthcare intake; covering bodily information from head to toe, medications and supplements you may be taking and any prior surgeries or implants. 


From there, we will then take a pulse and tongue reading to help make a diagnosis. This will give us the information we need to make a treatment plan to implement to achieve your treatment goals. Once the session is complete, we will discuss how often you should return to the clinic, and measures for you take at home to continue on a path of treatment.


Before the Session


  • Eat - Please do not eat a heavy meal right before your treatment. It is best to eat something small to avoid being lightheaded or hungry! ​

  • Arrive on time - punctuality is crucial to ensure you can receive your full treatment.

  • Wear comfortable and or loose clothing that is easy to remove.

  • Be prepared to bring a list of medications/supplements or vitamins if you are taking any.


During the Session


  • You will be asked questions about your health including sleep, bowel movements and urination patterns. These are measures to help us with our diagnosis! 

  • We ask for openness and honesty - all information is confidential.

  • We cannot and will not proceed with any measures until you have consented us to do so.


After the Session


  • Once your treatment has come to an end, it is strongly suggested to take the rest of the day very easily and drink plenty of water.

  • Please do not take part in any strenuous activities such as sports or working out.

  • Try your best to keep your mind as clutter-free as possible.

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